Interested In becoming A Member or Volunteer For PSM?
1. How much does it cost to join PSM?
Membership is FREE!
2. Who should join PSM?
Anyone invested in building a safer Maryland should join the Partnership.
Interested in seeing other organizations represented by our membership?
Click Here.
4. How do I join?
Click Log In at the top right of this page, create an account for membership approval. For further help, send an email to
The benefits of your FREE membership are listed below.
What Are The Benefits of Membership?
Quarterly membership meetings with training opportunities.
Monthly electronic newsletters.
Access to competitive mini-grants (development in progress).
Networking with other injury prevention professionals.
Opportunities for information sharing.
Access to other injury prevention partners.
Technical assistance referrals for data access and use.
Avenues to promote your organization and activities.
Input and access to collateral injury prevention specific materials.